On meeting this adorable litter of ten Dalmation Puppies the other day, I quickly spotted (ahem) the need for Dogarithms – the canine equivalent of logarithms. The conversation with dog breeder Maxine went something like this:
HOM (House Of Maths): Oh they are adorable – please may I hold one??
M (MAXINE): Yes of course, here’s Copper.
HOM: He’s so big already!! It seems impossible that they could all have fitted inside Mum Inca just a few weeks ago.
M: Yes they have grown so much!
HOM: How often do they double in size? [This seemed like a natural question for one to ask, whether a mathematician or not!].
M: Well Copper is now 3kg, but his birthweight five weeks ago was just 265 grams.
A few moments later, Copper was transferred to my daughter’s arms (see totally smitten photo!) and I was brandishing my phone, calculator app at the ready!
Now then: 3kg=3000g; dividing this by 265g, we get that Copper has grown 11.32 times as big since birth. So how many times has he doubled in size? More than three, because
Luckily there is a mathematical function that answers this exact question: what power? Logarithms (or in this case… Dogarithms?) are a family of functions, and in this case I required log base 2 for the answer to my question: 11.32 equals two to what power? Unfortunately my phone calculator app doesn’t have a log base 2 button, but it does have a log button (meaning log base ten), and a well-know A-level formula tells me that:
THE DOGARITHMIC ANSWER: Copper has doubled in weight (so presumably in size too) 3.50 times over 35 days (=5 weeks), so he doubles in size every
It’s always fun when higher level maths crops up in everyday situations! Thanks to the power of Dogarithms, this problem’s bark was worse than its bite.
WATCH OUT – COUNTER-INTUITIVE MATHS! If Copper doubles in length rather than in weight, then he becomes not just 2 times but eight times as big! This is because doubling in length most likely means he will also double in width and in height, so he becomes roughly 2x2x2=8 times as big! A similar line of reasoning tells us that a 46 inch television is four times as big as a 23 inch TV, not just twice as big.
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