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House of Maths School Workshops Primary & Secondary in Dorset & South - A STRANGE TEST FOR DIVISIBILITY BY 7

Divisibility by 7 test
Seven is a difficult number!

It’s really easy to see whether a whole number is divisible by 2 (it has to end in 0,2,4,6 or 8), by 3 (the sum of its digits has to be divisible by 3) or by 5 (it has to end in 0 or 5). But what about 7?

Here’s one way we can do it. We’ll then see some examples, and then see why this bizarre test works!

To see if a whole number is divisible by 7: remove the last digit, double it and subtract that from what’s left. If this gives you a number that’s divisible by 7 then your starting number is also divisible by 7.

Wow – what a strange looking test! Let’s see it in action:

I wonder if 119 is a multiple of 7? Let’s subtract double the last digit from what’s left:
7 is a multiple of 7 (it’s 1×7). This means that 119 is also divisible by 7 (in fact 119=17×7).

Let’s see if 1352 is divisible by 7:
We subtract twice the final digit from what’s left:
Hmm, I still don’t know if 131 is a multiple of 7, so let’s go round again:
11 is NOT a multiple of 7, meaning that neither is 131 or 1352.

If this all seems a bit complicated: well yes, I agree! BUT it’s particularly quick and easy for short numbers that end in 1,2 or 3, such as 91 or 133.
At first glance, both of these numbers look prime: they certainly don’t divide by 2,3,5 or (if you know your times tables up to 12×11=132) by 11
Let’s check for divisibility by 7:
9192=7 so YES
133136=7 so YES – both 91 and 133 are both divisible by 7 (91=7×13, and 133=7×19).

Before we see why this strange trick works, why not try your skills out by playing Is This Prime? The game shows you a number (they all seem to be less than 150 so it’s not too hard), all you have to do is decide if you think it is a prime number then click YES or NO. It’s great fun, although even after months of trying I cannot score more than 32 points in a minute!! How many can you score?

To answer this we will need a little algebra, and an intermediate result called a lemma. Algebra is the language of patterns, so it’s usually the best way to see why number tricks like this work! A lemma is just a small, less important result that we need to prove a bigger more important result.

LEMMA: multiplying a number by 10 does not change whether or not it is divisible by 7
For instance, 91 is divisible by 7 (it’s 7×13), this means that 910 is too. 198 is not divisible by 7,this means that 1980 isn’t divisible by 7 either.
One way to see why it works is to think about the number written as the product of its prime factors (e.g.198=2×32×11). Multiplying by ten will add a 5 and a 2 to the product (1980=22×32×11×2×5). This cannot affect whether or not 7 appears in the list! At a more sophisticated level, multiplying by 10 does not affect a number’s divisibility by 7 because 7 and 10 are coprime (they have no prime factors in common). If you’re happy to accept that the lemma works, we can now look at our main result:

Suppose we want to test a number for divisibility by 7: let’s call this our starting number. I’m going to call the final digit b, and what’s left after removing it I will call $a$. After subtracting twice b from a, we reach our end number.
EXAMPLE: if our starting number is 161 then a=16 and b=1. Our end number is 16(2×1)=14
Our starting number is a moved one place to the left (you can do this by multiplying by 10) and then with b tagged on the end. So
start number = 10a+b
end number = a2b because you subtract twice the final digit b from what’s left a.
Algebra can give us a clever relationship between the two:
10a+b=10(a2b)+21b (you can expand the brackets to check that both sides are the same).
The term 21b on the right is ALWAYS a multiple of 7. This means that our starting number 10a+b will be a multiple of 7 exactly when 10(a2b) is a multiple of 7 (because then all three terms are multiples of 7). And our lemma from earlier tells us that 10(a2b) is a multiple of 7 exactly when our end number a2b is a multiple of 7.

Now we know why test works, try using it to decide which of these numbers are divisible by 7:

And please do have a go at the Is This Prime game!